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2024 PAEA Award Nominations

To submit a 2024 PAEA Award nomination, you will need the following: 

  • Your contact information and nomination letter.
  • Your nominee's contact information and their resume/CV.
  • Names and emails of people who will submit Letters of Support or a copy of their article 

Submit a Nomination 

PAEA Award Information:

PAEA Faculty & Staff Awards provide national recognition of accomplishments in PA education. Each recipient receives $500, a personalized award, and complimentary registration to the annual PAEA Education Forum. Our most prestigious award, the Lifetime Achievement Award includes additional benefits. Please see each award category for details. 

Important Dates

  • The award nomination cycle is open from March 12 through 11:59 p.m. ET May 15, 2024. 
    • An extension is begin offered in the following three Award Categories: Partnership, Excellence Through Diversity, and Research Achievement. The new deadline for the three categories is now May 29, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.
    • Any nominations submitted in any category other than the three mentioned above after 11:59pm on May 15, 2024 will not be considered.
  • All completed application nominators will be contacted in August regarding their application selection status. 
  • Nominees selected to receive an award for 2024 will be contacted in August. 
  • If selected to receive an award, you must still be in good standing with the PA program at the time of the award presentation at the Forum.  
  • The official announcement for the award recipients will take place at the Awards Ceremony at the 2024 PAEA Education Forum.  


Frequently Asked Questions:

Nomination and supporting material submission

When is the deadline for all materials? 

  • 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, May 15, 2024.
  • EXTENSION: 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 for the following three Award Categories
    • Partnership
    • Excellence Through Diversity 
    • Research Achievement 

Will you accept materials after the deadline?

  • In extenuating circumstances, some supporting materials may be accepted after the deadline on a case-by-case basis. Please contact awards@PAEAonline.org to discuss your submission to determine whether or not it will be accepted after the deadline. Under no circumstances will new submissions of nominations be accepted after the deadline. Please see each award’s criteria for more information about supporting materials.

Who can nominate? 

  • Faculty, staff, and administration from all member programs are encouraged to submit nominations. Current PAEA Board members, Awards & Honors Review Committee members, and current students cannot nominate.

Can I nominate a candidate outside of my current PA program? 

  • Yes, when nominating, please consider candidates both inside and outside your current PA program.

Can I nominate myself? 

  • No, self-nomination is not acceptable for any of the award categories.

Which category is most appropriate for my candidate? 

  • If, after you’ve reviewed the criteria for each award, you have any questions about which category would be the most appropriate for your nominee, please contact awards@PAEAonline.org.

How many nomination forms can I submit? 

  • For the Article of the Year category, you may only nominate two candidates. For all other categories, there is no limit on the number of candidates you may nominate.

Can someone be nominated for more than one award? 

  • Yes, the same person may be nominated for multiple awards if the nominee meets the criteria for those categories.

What documents do you need for nomination? 

  • Please see each award category for specific details.

How long should my nomination letter be?

  • Nomination letters of do not have a length requirement, instead, they should focus on addressing each of the award criteria fully. 

Can I save the nomination and return to it later to complete it?

  • Yes, you can start a nomination, save it, and return later to complete it. However, we recommend that you compile all information required, including the nomination letter, contact information for the writers of the letters of support, and the nominee’s CV prior to starting your nomination.

How do I know if my electronic nomination or letter of support was received?

  • Once a nomination form or letter of support is submitted, a copy of the form will be emailed to you as confirmation. If you do not receive this email, please contact awards@PAEAonline.org.

Can I submit nominations via email, or do I have to use the electronic nominations form?

  • Nominations will be accepted ONLY via the electronic nominations form. Hard-copy forms and letters will NOT be accepted. If you are having issues submitting your application online, please contact awards@PAEAonline.org.

Letter of support submission

How do I submit a letter of support?

  • If you have coordinated with the nominator to submit a letter of support, the nominator will list your email address on the electronic nomination form. When this form is completed, you will receive an automated email with a link to the letter of support submission form. If you did not receive the link to the form or would like to send an additional letter, please contact awards@PAEAonline.org.

How many letters of support may be submitted per candidate?

  • See the criteria for each award for the number of letters of support required.

How long should my letter of support be?

  • Letters of support do not have a length requirement, instead, they should focus on addressing the author’s first-hand knowledge of the nominee with relation to all of the award criteria. The most compelling letters of support address award criteria. Letters of support should be no more than two pages.

Who can submit a letter of support?

  • Faculty, staff, and administration from all member programs (including voting members, institutional colleagues, and individual colleagues) are encouraged to submit letters of support, with the exception of the following:
    • PAEA Board members and Awards & Honors Review Committee members may not submit letters of support
    • Current students cannot submit letters of support. Alumni to the program may submit a letter.
    • Non-members can submit a letter of support, but at least one letter must be from a PAEA member. Both letters should be from people who are aware of the award and the professional setting.

Can non-PAEA members be nominated for any of the award categories?

  • Yes, non-PAEA members can be nominated for the following award categories:
    • Partnership Award: Nominees should, however, be associated with a PAEA member program.
    • Article of the Year Award: The primary author should be a PAEA member, but supporting authors need not be.
    • Lifetime Achievement Award: Nominees can be former PAEA members, and candidates may be nominated posthumously.

Evaluation and selection process

Who decides who the recipients will be?

  • The PAEA Awards & Honors Review Committee determines the award recipients. The committee is currently comprised PA educators who are dedicated to identifying and recognizing the outstanding contributions within PA education.

How are the recipients evaluated?

  • The committee uses a standardized scoring rubric that correlates with the outlined award criteria to evaluate and score each nomination. The committee reviews the compiled scores and reaches a consensus for the official determination.

Are all awards given out each year?

  • No, each award is not necessarily given out annually. PAEA’s Awards & Honors Committee carefully reviews the nominations for each of the 11 categories and selects a recipient when the submitted materials closely align with the award criteria.

Can someone receive the same award more than once?

  • Yes, the following awards can be received more than once
    • Partnership Award
    • Excellence through Diversity Award 
    • Article of the Year Award (However, the same article cannot be awarded Article of the Year more than once)